Friday, October 31, 2008



Yesterday we went to the USU-Price October activity, the Spook-tacular put on by CEU. It seems we had a lot better turnout than the last activity; during the half-hour my family was there, I saw at least two other fellow Aggies. I'm hoping even more came and enjoyed the activities after we left. The activity was a Halloween carnival with face-painting, a cake walk, popcorn, pictures, etc. Fun was had by all, even though my beautiful little bumble bee didn't win the costume contest.

I think the best part of Halloween right now is turning on the radio and enjoying such Halloween classics as Thriller, Ghostbusters Theme Song, The Adam's Family, and the Monster Mash. What a blast! I'm sure that when she's a little older, I'll enjoy taking my daughter around to show her total cuteness off to all the neighbors and eating all the candy she can't eat yet, but for now, she's really too small for trick-or-treating, and my husband and I are too old to get away with mooching candy off of people. Instead, a get-together with friends after the baby goes down will do for this year.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The weekend was a success. The in-laws were all able to fit here in our small apartment, and dinner went off without a hitch, at least in my opinion. This next weekend, my family is all coming here for a visit. They are much smaller than my family in-law, so it will be much easier to fit and find seats.

We are all finally getting over our colds, my husband staying home from work yesterday to rest and heal a little more, while at the same time keeping anyone else from catching the sickness. I was kind of jealous, as he played games and rested all day while I had to do homework. It would have been much more fun for me if I had been able to play games, too. :0)

This week and next week I am working on putting together some resources where the Price students can go for scholarship opportunities. I am also trying to get an answer out of the main USU administration as to why extension campus students aren't eligible for the USU-sponsored scholarships that main Logan students are automatically put in for upon being accepted into the University. Price is really lacking in scholarship opportunities, so I'm trying to find ways where the students can have more access to scholarship help. If anyone has any information or ideas, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!

Friday, October 10, 2008


YES! I've officially caught up in all of my classes! Now the trick is to keep it that way! After a few straight weeks of testing, I'm mentally beat. I'm looking forward to a nice, relaxing weekend. I've got the in-laws coming for a visit, some of them seeing our apartment for the first time. It's supposed to rain this weekend, which means that all 11 of us are going to have to cram into our small living room. Fun stuff. I hope no one gets all claustrophobic on us and runs out screaming in a mad episode.

In the meantime, my poor baby has this terrible cold (which she promptly shared with me) which doesn't let her sleep or eat very well. She's very grumpy most of the time, which is quite against her happy, active nature. It's like she awoke one morning with the offensive nature of a demon and has been wreaking havoc ever since. I'm pretty sure it's just the sickness and the consequential fatigue and hunger, but I hope it ends soon, as it's really tiring.

CEU has appointed a non-traditional student chair, so we're hoping to be able to work together in our research and activities for our collective students. This month we are going in two different ways where it comes to activities, as she feels students would prefer a volleyball game, and I feel they would prefer a Halloween event that the whole family can participate in and enjoy. Hopefully we can get some feedback on what the students like so that we can gear future activities towards things they would attend.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Slowly But Surely

Well, this week I've been trying to catch up in the classes where I'm behind. It hasn't been too successful, but I think I'm slowly but surely catching up. I've still got 3 tests to do this weekend. Blech...

I haven't had an internet connection these past few days, and it's been really annoying. All my classes are online, so I've had to work on stuff that doesn't depend on an internet connection. Really annoying. But I've got it back now, so all is well that ends well, right?